Fun Facts
General Facts
Monarchs are Insects
Monarch butterflies go through four stages of Metamorphosis: Egg, Caterpillar, Pupa and Adult.
The Monarch butterfly is a Milkweed Butterfly that is a member of the genus Danaus.
The binomial name for the monarch butterfly is Danaus Plexippus.
The Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is commonly confused with the viceroy butterfly (Limenitis archippus)
Monarch caterpillars feed only on Milkweed plants, which make them poisonous to predators.
A Monarch butterfly garden is where someone grows plants specifically to attract monarch butterflies
By Kids For Kids
Monarchs taste with their feet
Live on an all liquid diet
It takes Monarchs 10-14 days to hatch out of it's chrysalis
Monarchs fly about 5.5 mph
A group of Monarchs is called a kaleidoscope
Female monarchs lay between 100 and 300 eggs in their lifetime
When Monarchs fly to Mexico they do not eat for up to 5 months
Monarchs ears are sensitive to low pitch sounds
Monarchs need the air to be 65-70 F to fly and do not fly at night
Monarchs only mate one time their life
The Monarch Butterfly is easy to identify by the black, orange and white patterns on their wings
The average wingspan of a Monarch butterfly is between 3.5 and 4 inches (~10cm)
A Monarch's brilliant coloring tells predators: “Don't eat me. I'm poisonous.”
The Monarch Butterfly was given its name in 1758, by Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist, zoologist, and physician.
It’s believed the Monarch Butterfly got its name to honor the king of England, William III.
In 2009, Monarch Butterflies were bred and raised on the International Space Station.
Monarchs home range is in Canada and the US
Monarchs Migrate long distances between North and South America, following the seasons and avoiding the frost
Migration distances can be up to 4,800 miles
They return to the same forests each year, and some even find the same tree that their ancestors landed on
Spiders, Wasps, Birds, Lizards, Ants, Frogs, Tachinid flies, Stink Bugs, Mantids, Lady Bugs